What’s the Key Marketing Trend for Analysts in 2025?

One of the key trends in Marketing Analytics now and in the future is “Multi-touch attribution” and “Predictive Analytics” 

Yes, they are already prevalent in the industry, but if you are in the field and want to understand how to work with both sides of your brain.—buckle up, you are in for a ride. 

Sounds like ChatGPT wrote this, lol. I swear it’s me.

Alright, so what really is Multi-Touch Attribution?

Imagine this: You go to Amazon to buy a printer, but you end up purchasing ink, a table to place the printer, some A4 sheets, a stapler, and highlighters. Before purchasing, you send the product link to your partner, let’s say I am that partner, you know what? I am going to send it to a few friends and ask their opinions or reviews because they are meticulous like yours truly. They say it’s a great price and product, so good that they are going to buy this as well. 

From a marketer and an analyst standpoint, tell me, what would you pick apart from this imaginary scene and use to serve your next customer better? 

Let's say you sell A4 sheets. What are your “multi-touch attributions?” this means, how did the customer find you? Who were you competing with and why did they pick you?

Multi-touch attribution is every overthinker ever. How did they do this, why did they do this, when did they do this? This overthinking mentality will help you stand right where this customer is on their journey and say “Hello, we see you are here, let’s chat” (But please, don’t come off as creepy 😂).

Hey Analysts, here’s how we can help:

  • Stay in the present: Provide the awesome marketing team with some real-time data on customer actions, behaviors, and preferences, basically, put your detective and overthinker hat on, this data will help them adjust marketing strategies. This will help the teams especially if the campaign is not so demure or losing -10000 aura points.

  • Overthinking max: Find out how they found the business, what they did once they found us, and why they overlooked us and came back. I am talking about the customer journey, analyzing what happens from initial interaction to conversion. 

  • Become a wizard: With all this overthinking, let’s overthink futuristically, what can these customers possibly do given all their patterns so far? Let’s be 10 steps ahead and create campaigns (proactive)

Hey Marketing Team, work with the analysts! How? Well….

  • Stop asking broad questions:

Which Ad had the highest click-through rate?”  ❌❌❌❌

“Which sequence of touchpoints leads to the most conversions?”✅✅✅✅

“What changes can we make to get a better outcome?”✅✅✅✅

  • Tell them the story: 

The biggest problem with both analysts and marketing is never learning the full story. Imagine being in between a couple when each says terrible things about each other but you did not even know they were dating. That’s how it looks. KPIs differ from team to team. When you have 3 campaigns running, get the analysts up to speed on that. They may find patterns that you may miss out on if you don’t share the full story. 

  • Collabs:

Do you know how much I hate when marketers take the data and never get back with what they're going to do with it? Analysts can never find patterns if they are not invested in it just as much as marketers. Collaboration happens only when we combine to find solutions and tell a story. 

 This is a continuous process and helps you be proactive rather than reactive. 



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