Personal Development, how to be the best?

Personal Development by definition is different for all of us, to me it solely means:

Being the best possible version of myself.

Why are you "obsessed" with Personal Development, Anusha?

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I have invariably stood out on everything. Like conversations, interests, either being too simple-minded or too bright. Couldn't find a common ground with everyone. Constantly loved people who can read books, forever wanted to become a book reading person, but I couldn't figure out how...

Being lazy, a huge procrastinator always binge-watching Netflix shows, or finding a reason not to get any job done was my specialty. I concluded I had NOTHING to work on.


Might sound absurd, but I unquestionably fell in love with that trend on tik-tok. 2020 wasn't a great year, I spent most of my days in bed waiting for my university to conduct our final exams... waiting for inspiration... I heard my mother and father talk about working out because they are huge fans of being healthy, myself, on the other hand not so much, I developed a bunch of unhealthy habits, I either ate too much or didn't... I either slept too much or didn't... THAT Girl trend literally reminded me of all the excellent things I could be doing.

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Check out my article on how to become productive?

I love writing to-do lists. I love it so much and I decided to start a brand, called "Anusha Navigates". It was a stationery line of physical products like planners, artists' painting books, calendars, etc...

Lists are marvelous, they are effectual, help you plan things out... but it didn't work for me...

Writing things like- 1. Run 2. Read a book 3. Study for 30 mins

Personal Development, how to be the best?

these hadn't worked for me... Before settling for an approach that worked for me, I went with the trial and error method.

I love how the answer to my question (How can I become productive, motivated, and consistent in life?) was just hiding in plain sight.

Sometimes what you are looking for is right in front of you. All you have to do is open your eyes and see it

Meg Cabot

Here are the top 7 things I did to be the best version of myself:

(read towards the end for an intriguing yet funny point of view)

Personal Development Plan

  1. Planned out an entire week using google calendar (Time blocks)
  2. I went to bed at the exact same time every day, woke up at precisely the same time.
  3. SET SUB-TASKS(make my bed, set a skin and hair care routine.)
  4. Replaced coffee with Lemon water/Green Tea.
  5. Made promises to self that I would keep, sometimes I imagined that I was in a squid game ;)
  6. Filmed bits and pieces of my productivity, for more discipline and to stay off of my phone.
  7. Read a number of books to drive me to learn more.

Point Of View: I was able to achieve these by imagining that: (don't laugh)🤐

  1. 200 million YouTube subscribers were watching me.
  2. I have to know this to be able to comprehend, converse with people.

Let me explain...

  1. I imagined myself being in a YouTube video and explaining everything I am doing (to actually no one.. ).
  2. I have always wanted to be the person who consumes a petite portion of everything (that doesn't mean I fancy being the smartest one in the room).

Personality Development means different things for different people. For me, it's being the best version of myself.

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