Types of Marketing- From door-to-door Marketing to Digital Marketing.

Before we get into the types of marketing, let's understand the term 'Marketing'

What is Marketing?

Marketing is a word that has been used in all kinds of business. Why is it so important? Let's take a look. Marketing is the way to bring your brand to light, i.e reach your target audience or should I say, customers. Basically, marketing is used to promote a brand, its product, or its service.

What are the types of Marketing?

Let's do a little flashback, shall we? Back in the '70s,80's... Marketing had more traditional ways,

  1. Door-to-door promotion: Agents would knock on doors to explain and sell the product, service or take a survey to understand the potential customer.
  2. Ads: Not Google Ads, but newspaper ads. Newspapers were Google, Facebook then, brand's had to bid their way into promoting their product to get space in the "Ads" part of the paper, there were brokers for that too.
  3. Radios: Radios were Twitter then, all marketing practices carried out using Radio before TV commercials.
  4. Advertisements: TV commercials ( Still works), came in a bit late but channels back then were very limited so for products like Cigarettes which were banned from advertising due to recession, the political crisis had to work really hard to get a slot.
  5. Magazines: Ever read a book called Tinkle? I did and I have noticed so many targeted ads for kids. The same goes for every magazine. Can you think of more? Comment below :)

Nowadays, the digital world has taken over everything... Marketing, Teaching, Earning... almost everything basically.

Let's talk about Digital Marketing now.

Digital Marketing is reaching out to your audience all over the world. The world is connected through multiple digital platforms. For example LinkedIn (Professional Networking Site), Instagram/ Facebook(for sharing photos and videos.. even to sell products/services now), Twitter (microblogging), etc...

So, how exactly do you reach those prospects? Well, there are SOO many ways, for example, Facebook/Instagram Ads...Content Writing/Creation(Blogs, Videos, Infographics)... Leveraging these and setting a target audience will help advertise your services/Products.

Again, Podcast, YouTube, Influencer Marketing, there are too many now.

If you want to know more about Digital Marketing. Let me know in the comments below and follow me on LinkedIn


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