You are wasting time, and how to fix that.

Time is money, and I stand by that 100%.

I like saving money, but I also like saving time.

Here are a couple of things I stick to in life:

#1. No wasting time

I refuse to convince myself that "I am busy, I must be moving one step closer to my goals"

My goals are measurable, my activities should be as well.

For example: How much knowledge do I hope to get out of reading this book?
- I try this 2-3 times per book, and I assess which types of books help me and the rest entertain me.

#2. Time is money

Some expensive things are worth it. Is getting this particular application or software going to make my life easier? If I were to perform this task at an organization how much would I get paid?

Does the amount match?

Can I use that time wisely elsewhere?

Do I have the means?

If I can save time and energy and focus on building something else, that is worth every penny.

#3. Habit stacking

Even though you can schedule every second of your life on your calendar, life happens.

Does that mean I am going to let myself not perform certain tasks?


Once I perform Task 1---> start Task 2----> Break.

This way after a while, this becomes a part of your routine that you can perform without effort.



One example to explain storytelling in Marketing!


Why am I getting a Master's degree?