Why am I getting a Master's degree?

From an education standpoint, by December 2023, I would be more competent than most people my age.

I have heard a lot of people pursuing their Masters’ degree talk about “Well, this will help us get us more salary”

I know this perspective exists and actually works, but when I considered getting a master’s degree, that wasn’t the reason.

I genuinely found out about this perspective after starting my master’s degree, so why am I doing it?

3 reasons.
#1. Move to new a place, meet new people.
#2. A different field, in a different country, in a different market.
#3. Do everything I did not do in my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

Will I leverage having 3 degrees during my job interviews? Maybe.

But do I *need* this to prove my worth? Definitely not!

If you’re someone that gets a Master's degree just to get a couple of extra zeros in your paycheck; think again:

The job market is not the same, it’s never the same. People who are doing their job for years in a company are getting fired left and right.

As one of my friends always says, “If they have the funding, why wouldn’t they keep you”


You are wasting time, and how to fix that.


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