Anusha Ramesh Kannan

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Why am I getting a Master's degree?

From an education standpoint, by December 2023, I would be more competent than most people my age.

I have heard a lot of people pursuing their Masters’ degree talk about “Well, this will help us get us more salary”

I know this perspective exists and actually works, but when I considered getting a master’s degree, that wasn’t the reason.

I genuinely found out about this perspective after starting my master’s degree, so why am I doing it?

3 reasons.
#1. Move to new a place, meet new people.
#2. A different field, in a different country, in a different market.
#3. Do everything I did not do in my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

Will I leverage having 3 degrees during my job interviews? Maybe.

But do I *need* this to prove my worth? Definitely not!

If you’re someone that gets a Master's degree just to get a couple of extra zeros in your paycheck; think again:

The job market is not the same, it’s never the same. People who are doing their job for years in a company are getting fired left and right.

As one of my friends always says, “If they have the funding, why wouldn’t they keep you”