Anusha Ramesh Kannan

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Do you keep existing clients or do you find new ones? Walt Disney's perspective on this!

Hello hello, if you do not follow me on LinkedIn you might have missed on this post!

Walt Disney made a decision to hold a Christmas parade at the new park at a cost of $350,000.

Walt's accountant wasn't for it, he besieged him not to invest in this parade because people would already be there, and no one would be expecting it, therefore would not be disappointed.

Looks like Walt thought that was exactly why they should do that!

He said, "That's just the point, we should do it predominantly because people wouldn't expect that"

Always keep surprising your audience, they'll come back for more.

He said, "It costs 10 times more to get them back if they ever stop coming"

What are your thoughts on this? Let me know!

- Anusha