Anusha Ramesh Kannan

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You can journal better by doing this! (easy)

Journaling is a good practice that fortunately has become popular. This habit is not something that people picked up on recently, great world leaders have chronicled their lives via writing, granted there wasn't much technology back then, but writing also helps to understand yourself better. Before we get started, think about how you journal. Do you start by saying "Dear diary, this is what happened today..." So many videos and movies have these scenes of people "journalling" but they're just chronicling their lives.

Journalling- Processing what is going on in that complex brain.

Chronicling- Recording events factually.


You can chronicle your entire life, but that is not journalling. Sure, while you record your life by writing you might catch yourself exploring your emotions and thoughts at one particular moment, but that's not even half of what is actually in your mind.

How to journal?

I am sure there are many mental health professionals out there that can help you figure this out even better, but this is what I like to do and you can take this from me.

#1. Why?

Why are you journaling? Clearly, you want something out of it. Figure out why you're journaling.

#2. What?

Are you journalling a specific part of your life or just whatever you feel inside?

#3. How?

How are you journaling? Your surroundings? Your approach? Do you ask yourselves questions? Do you have a systematic approach?

Asking yourself questions is the key to understanding anything.

------> Why do I feel this way? - Solution 1

-------> Now, Solution 1 - Is there something I could've done about that? gives- Solution 2

-------> Now, Solution 2- What could I have done? - gives Solution 3

-------> Now, Solution 3 - How could I have done that?- gives Solution 4


This cycle must end until you feel like you're done with it. Why? Our brain loves challenges, whatever it can deal with it will show it to you, what it can't comprehend it will hide from you. Take the time to get to know yourself. Just like how you would with a friend when you see a friend who is down, you'll ask them a million questions, which I think happens because you know talking can help your friend understand the situation better.

Ask yourself, 'What do I want to know about myself?'

When things are in your head they are extremely complicated, when they are on a piece of paper, it is easier to decipher.

Would you like a 30-day journaling prompt for you? Let me know in the comments or tweet this article and tag me @anusharkannan, I will send it to you!
