Here's Why You Should Create Content On LinkedIn AND Twitter!

Other than writing on my website and medium, I am also quite active on LinkedIn and Twitter. I was asked on Twitter what my thoughts were on LinkedIn vs. Twitter. Here’s what I think: for business, should you create content on LinkedIn or Twitter?

LinkedIn is great for these two reasons

  1. Job opportunities-You can get many job offers in your inbox once you start creating content consistently
  2. Network- You might not get any engagement at the beginning, there are Lurkers… who reach out to you and try to get to know you.

Twitter is great for these two reasons

  1. Relationships: I wouldn’t call it networking here on Twitter because it’s a lot more informal. You can build communities here, like our fire community The Writer’s Guild:)
  2. Mountain of resources: Unlike LinkedIn, Twitter honestly has a lot more crisp information you can digest within seconds. There are a lot of similarities between the two Platforms which is why a lot of content creators create content on both platforms.

Off the top of my head, these are some of the reasons why I’d create content on these two platforms

  1. Ripple Effect- You engaged with someone’s post? I am going to see that on my feed (organic reach)
  2. Content Creators- Both these platforms have tons of creators that are really good at what they create.
  3. Personal Brand: Unless people know what you are good at, nobody cares.

I don’t think I’ll give up on one platform for the other. What do you think? :) Let me know in the comments.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Twitter, and Medium.



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