Anusha Ramesh Kannan

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LinkedIn Creator- How Writing Can Help You Be Better?

LinkedIn has been known as this ‘Professional, Job applying’ site for the longest time. It’s changing, if you are running a business, and you are not active on LinkedIn- you are missing out on a mountain of information and clients.

We have already established that LinkedIn is a professional networking site, so why won’t you be more active there? That is where your clients are (considering you are B2B). So, if you are not in B2B should you not be active on LinkedIn? Hell no! I don’t have a business- no service or product. LinkedIn has a creator option now, why do you think that exists? Let’s look at the top 4 reasons now.

#1. YOU

Yes, you! Whether you are a B2B business owner/marketer/ any professional, or an employee of a company, YOU can change the whole game by consistently posting on LinkedIn. Many marketers on LinkedIn are changing the whole marketing perspective for their organizations by being active on LinkedIn. How? Let’s look at the image below.

How content creation can help on LinkedIn- Image by Anusha Kannan.

Step 1: Quality content: If you post quality content consistently they will visit your profile.

Step 2: Your profile: When they go to your profile they’ll check out your experiences.

Step 3: Your experiences: When they check out your experiences, they might be intrigued to see where you work and what your organization does. Thus, increasing the number of people who visit your company’s page.

The basic formula is AIDA- Because of your content, the first two steps can be achieved.

AIDA MODEL- Image by Anusha Kannan.


The second type of reason for people to join this platform- NETWORKING. I do not personally like calling it “Networking” I prefer, “Building relationships”. Here are my two cents- do not connect with just anybody to increase follower count. Be very mindful of who you connect with, make sure you can add value to them and vice versa. Via writing, you’re bound to meet a lot of people. By engaging in others’ posts, you allow yourself to meet like-minded people.


LinkedIn is soon believed to become the future résumé. LinkedIn is also a great space to show more of your personality and let people know what kind of a person you are. Be authentic and talk about things that matter to you. If you want the basic, very basic guide of how to set up your LinkedIn profile, click here.


The most important part of creating content is noticing other content creators. When you follow and connect with relevant content creators, you get to learn from them. This brings me back to my second point- creating relationships is important, but always remember no one owes you anything, never expect anything other than building a good relationship.

Connect with me on LinkedIn and I’d love to help you out!
