Audiobook vs Physical Books- Which is the best?

This debate has been happening for as long as I can remember. For someone who isn’t that frequent of a reader, I didn’t have the insight to give my two cents on the same. But now that I have experienced both of these, I’d say- it totally depends upon “the voice”.

The Voice.

When you start reading a book unless you are someone that likes to read out loud, we have a voice in our heads that is reading the book for us. For a few books, that voice is mostly flat, but for books like Harry Potter, it’s a lot more fun to read when you become those characters. When it comes to audiobooks, there are a lot of different sites you could use, I love Audible and Scribd. Pick an app and start reading a book you have already read- see how you like it

  • Does it feel different?
  • Do you feel like you actually missed out on a lot while you read it?
  • Does the orator read the lines like how they do plays?

I read the Subtle art of not giving a f*ck via audiobooks, but I read the compound effect physically.

At the end of the day, as long as you understand, take notes, and implement them it doesn’t matter which one you pick.

But I think using both of them for different genres would make more sense and you could be reading 2 books simultaneously.

What do you think?

— — Get your audible 30 days trial here (contains affiliate links)

— — Book suggestions (find them here)


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