Anusha Ramesh Kannan

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You are not productive, how to be productive?

Productivity is not being busy, let me get that straight. Working 3 tasks at a time and not completing them with the expected quality does not equate to being productive.

Okay, so what the hell is?

Here are my metrics to determine to check if I have been productive or not:

On a beautiful Sunday, being productive isn’t checking my e-mails every 30 minutes. It is doing my relaxing routine, yeah, that is being productive.

Look, there is the whole talk around always being productive. You cannot be busy and burned out and say, “Ooooh, I have been so productive”. You have to set intentions. Keep 3–4 goals per day, write down:

  • Why do you want to do it?
  • How do you want to do it?
  • When do you want to do it?

Intention setting is nothing but having a clear pathway to your destination, having clarity over what tasks you are working on, why, and when. To me- working out is productive, sleeping is productive, catching up with an old friend is productive- the last one might not be productive to you, so find the one that fits your “productive” bubble.

If you are setting an intention to just get up from the bed and open your laptop and read an article. Completing just that is productive!

Do you get what I am saying? Intentionally setting goals and completing them is productivity. Do not go after vanity metrics like burning out, chugging 5 red bulls, no, that’s you not focusing on a task. Focus, be intentional, and get shit done.
