Anusha Ramesh Kannan

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Books you must read at least once in your lifetime.

Find some of my favorite books here


Listed below are a couple of books that I have read and that have changed my life. I always look for books that can help me be the best version of myself. Go ahead, read my remarks and if you like them, get them for yourself! Happy reading!!

1. Crushing it by Gary Vaynerchuck

If you are looking to learn all things social media, entrepreneurship, and how to use your influence to build your business. This book is 100% for you! It talks about hard work, the power of positivity, the power of social media, and how to become the best version of yourself. So, get it, read it and let me know if you loved it as I did!

Favorite line: Actually, my favorite side heading is "Document, don't create"

2. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

I cannot stop talking about this one. I have a lot of good habits, but more often than not I have given up because I didn't see immediate results. After I read this book, I understood the power of compounding... wait, I am not going to spoil this for you, go ahead and read it!

Favorite line: Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.

Fun fact: I read this book in like 2 hours.

3. The definitive book of Body Language by Allan+ Barbara Pease.

Struggling to make a good first impression? Forget about your verbal skills (for a second), did you know you can use your non-verbal skills to make the best first impression, and also boost your confidence? Read this book, it can literally tell you how to use body language to make a great first impression.

Thank you, dad, for suggesting this book :)

4. The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest.

I picked up this book after watching a lot of girls talk about this on Tik-Tok/Instagram. Best investment I have ever made. If you are into self-help books, you must read this. It talks about deep internal work...I don't want to spoil anything for you. This book is 100% worth it. Talks about how the biggest obstacle in our life is nothing but you, a lot of shadow work, etc...

All lines are beautiful, so can't really point to a single line :(

5. Eat that frog by Brian Tracy

One of the best books I have read on procrastinating and how to manage your time. I have been a huge fan of to-do lists, but that didn't really help me. This book talks about how you can navigate and manage the pile of tasks you might have. (Read my article on how to focus in just 2 ways, here)

Favorite line: Continous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.

6. How to stop worrying and start living by Dale Carnegie

This book is a gem. Starts with a story and it is filled with wisdom. If you are someone that worries about many things at a time, this book teaches the importance of gratitude, faith, and much more. It is filled with real-life experiences. This book has used up a ton of my highlighter flags.

Favorite line: I had the blues because I had no shoes, Until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.

7. Atomic Habits by James Clear

This book is probably the best one I have read when it comes to habit building and how to be consistent. Most books have a lot of fluff, but this book gives you clear instructions and ways to witness tangible results. The book starts off with a great personal story, I need a good start to any book for me to stick with it, and this book does just that. This Author has experienced a lot of it first hand and has implemented the techniques suggested. It has four laws, and that's it. These four laws are extremely clear and have 3-5 chapters on each law clearly constructed to make you understand the importance of each one and to help you remember them.

Favorite line: The truth is, a habit must be established before it can be improved.