Anusha Ramesh Kannan

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3 habits that can change your life forever.

Habits followed by millionaires, that girl trend, successful habits, etc… there is a whole lot out there. Apart from all the regular- ‘Wake up early’, ‘Make your bed’, ‘Workout’ habits, I have been trying to implement just these 3 in my life. Let’s see:

#1. The break week. (Netflix? Nope)

You got that right! We are all so busy trying to plan the next moves in our lives we often forget to disconnect from the world. We are always online. Have you ever felt so frustrated and had your life feel like it is all over the place? I have, I still do sometimes. This is exactly why I came up with this a few weeks ago.

I know a lot of us can't take a break for an entire week, so do a weekend. Okay, Anusha…what the hell do you mean by taking a break for a week?

It is not binge-watch on Netflix, like I said, We are all so busy planning our next move we don’t stop to re-assess and see if we are going in the right direction, using the right strategy.

To my surprise, I learned that Bill Gates, one of the greatest businessmen in the world does the same thing.

Back to what I was saying, If you are taking a week or a weekend, take a couple of hours alone, no internet, no communication with the outside world. Just, you and your thoughts. Pen down your thoughts, it could be business or personal. Ask yourself these 2 questions

  1. Am I where I planned on being? If yes, what’s my next move? If not, what’s the cause?
  2. Am I the person I planned on becoming? Do I want to change? If yes, why?. If not, why? What brought on this change?

Journalling is one of the best things you could do for yourself because when you read your words a couple of years down the lane, maybe you feel lost at that point and these words might help you.

#2. Clean Slate

This habit has a habit in it- At the start of a new month, we often feel refreshed and optimistic. So, at this point develop one new habit, just one.

For example:

  • Start spending 15–30 minutes a day to learn a new language (I love Duolingo)
  • Maybe learn to paint without any reference? Use your imagination, let that creativity flow.

#3. Help!

Personal Development books, podcasts- these are a great investment. Spend more time exploring new topics. Here’s what I like to do:
- I grab my dictionary or look around my environment

-I type whatever I click with and start reading stories on that topic. You would not believe how much you do not know about the stuff that’s just in your house.

But hey, it is me typing this. I have got to talk about sharing. If you do not share your experiences, what good is that? I choose LinkedIn, Medium, and my website (sometimes Twitter) to share my learnings.

In the first habit, I talked about writing things down. Can you imagine what would have happened if Great Scientists and Great people, in general, had not journaled their life? I realized the importance of Journalling when I started watching The Vampire Diaries 😋. How cool is it to always be able to re-read your own thoughts from over a decade ago?

I have been thinking a lot about the above 3. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below and follow along for more articles from me!
