Anusha Ramesh Kannan

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2 important life lessons on my birthday

Oooookay, older and wiser. I turned 24 last week, and my writing juices are back!

I wanted to write "24 things I have learned in 24 years", but meh, I wrote a book for that.

Let's talk about what I learned on my birthday!

#1. You You You

Sounds selfish right? Oooo what will people think? YOU should matter the most to YOU. Nobody questions when you assist yourself first in case of a plane crash, nor should you care if they did.

Many people have the notion that life is linear, but it is not! You go through all waves and the only person with you the whole time is YOU.

Before I could celebrate my birthday with anyone, I celebrated it by myself. I won't lie, it felt weird to do everything by myself, but the amount of happiness I felt post-celebration cannot be matched.

#2. Self-doubt

Birthdays mean self-reflection time for me, not because I am older than the day before, but because the day is about me, and only me.

Prompts I use to question myself

  • Are you happy?
  • What do you think has changed and not changed this year?
  • Is there something you can do about it?
  • If yes, how? If not, why?


  • A vision board for the next quarter
  • Write down the top 5 things I am focusing on and branch them out down to the roots.
  • Get in touch with people.


  • Write down accomplishments
  • Write down major moments (all areas of life)
  • One major personal goal.

Sounds so simple, but has such a huge impact! What are some things you do on your birthday yourself?
